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Funerals and family drama aren’t normally associated with a good time, but Theatre Arlington’s newest show aims to break the norm.

June 7-24, the theater is presenting “Chicken & Biscuits” — a comedy following a Black family whose efforts at funeral planning are complicated by the chaos of old sibling rivalries and uncovered secrets. 

The play made its Broadway debut in 2021 in a run cut short by challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sheran Goodspeed Keyton, director of the Theatre Arlington production, remembers rushing to New York to see the show before it closed.

“It really resonated with me,” Goodspeed Keyton said. “I saw the representation of my culture being onstage but also presented in a way that widely represents lots of other cultures.”

If you go

  • What: Theatre Arlington’s production of “Chicken & Biscuits”
  • When: Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m.; June 7-23
  • Where: 305 W. Main St., Arlington
  • Price: $30 for students and 62 and older; $35 for adults

There’s an art to the play’s heartwarming approach to sad, serious topics, she said. Picture a family reminiscing about a dead man’s unfortunate love for cooking chicken and biscuits despite not knowing how to make the dish palatable.

“But they all have to eat it anyway, just because they love him,” Goodspeed Keyton said.

It’s in these moments that every audience member will see their own families, she said. The play has a timeless message of acceptance, and it explores the realities of a family whose outer layers are peeled away as their personal lives become public.

After the show, Theatre Arlington will present the Comedy Club, which includes skits and improv, at 10:30 p.m. June 14, 15, 21 and 22. The June 14 and 15 show will feature “Haha-lellujah!”, an ensemble of comedians bringing different perspectives as agnostic, spiritual and religious individuals.

“Chicken & Biscuits” is the first Theatre Arlington show Goodspeed Keyton has directed. She said she’s most excited about the cast, which features a mix of actors who are new to the professional theater world combined with 40-year stage veterans.

People should take the title, “Chicken & Biscuits,” at face value, Goodspeed Keyton said, and ignore any positive or negative emotions it might evoke.

“Every family of every culture, every race, every background, every socioeconomic status in their lifetime has had a meal that includes chicken and biscuits,” she said. “As much as that title exists, this show exists for everyone.”

Drew Shaw is a reporting fellow for the Arlington Report. Contact him at or @shawlings601. At the Arlington Report, news decisions are made independently of our board members and financial supporters. Read more about our editorial independence policy here.

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