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Van Zandt-Guinn Elementary School is set to bid farewell to two cherished educators, Cynthia Copeland and Dana Pough, who are retiring after 34 years of service. The two teachers, who have worked together since the beginning of their careers, have left a mark on the school and the community.

Copeland and Pough began their teaching journey at Van Zandt-Guinn in 1990, forming a bond that grew from colleagues to best friends and, eventually, to sisters. Their shared dedication to educating their students has made a significant impact over the years.

“When I was hired by the district, I felt that Van Zandt-Guinn was where I needed to be,” Copeland said. “Those children needed me, and I have been dedicated to them ever since.”

Pough shared similar sentiments. “I had never been to Fort Worth, but I packed my belongings and never looked back,” she explained. “Our bond has grown stronger over the years, and we have even vacationed together. Now, we look forward to doing that a lot more.”

Their principal, Debora Fuentes, praised the duo’s unwavering commitment. “It has been a pleasure working with Mrs. Copeland and Mrs. Pough. Their dedication to our community and our students is undeniable. They are a testament to what passion for education looks like,” Fuentes said.

Over their 34-year tenure, Copeland and Pough have experienced countless memorable moments and played pivotal roles in their careers. The two have taught multiple generations within the same families together. 

As they prepare to retire, both teachers are experiencing a mix of emotions. “It is definitely a bittersweet feeling,” Copeland said. “I am excited for adventures with my husband, but I will miss my other family at Van Zandt-Guinn.”

Pough echoed this sentiment, “I look forward to traveling and turning off my alarm clock, but I will miss the staff and students at Van Zandt-Guinn. They have become like family to me.”

Principal Fuentes highlighted the broader significance of educators like Copeland and Pough. “Long-serving educators bring such a broad perspective to a newer generation and ever-changing world. Their dedication and lifelong learner mentality set an example for all of us,” she noted.

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